Customer Testimonials

At State Termite we have had many happy customers, below you will learn about a couple of their situations and how we successfully serviced their needs.

“Prompt service, explained everything well, very satisfied!”

“Did well – all ants are gone including “Queen” as of about 4 days later.”

“Matt was a very personable man that definitely is a credit to your organization.”

“Your exterminator was very very nice and knew what he was doing. Greatly pleased with his work.”

“No more ants in my kitchen. Yeah!”

“We have been bug free! Thank you Thank you Thank you!! :-)”

“Matt is great. He is considerate and is always teaching us about the “bugs” when we ask questions. We haven’t had any more problems with ants.”

“Your tech was really nice and we are happy we chose State Termite! Keep up the good work!”

“Mark explained what he needed to do and then he did it. Very efficient. Friendly.”

Call us to schedule an appointment today! (330) 494-6199

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